Our Vision, Mission, Values
Challenges posed by climate changes are spurring innovative solutions that align financial prosperity with environmental responsibility and a commitment to human well-being. We believe that the best solutions are collective, collaborative, and creative. We love our work, and we’re here to help you succeed.
Our Vision
We envision a future with the highest quality, full nutrient, locally grown heirloom genetics, where all grows are powered by Nature and allow Nature to thrive.
Our Mission
Our mission is to collaborate with communities, people, and plants to grow the highest quality, most nutrient-dense plants possible for those who need it most.
Our Values
We value Biomimicry, regenerative solutions, holistic wellness, security of food, career, and housing, regenerative economies, collective action, systems thinking, the environment, and beyond-organic regenerative cultivation.
Fostering collective participation through ZEN initiatives creates wellness in individuals, communities, and the planet. It also builds regenerative economies, where the dividends are reinvested into and within those same local communities.
Our current focus

Our horticulture goals are to:
- Clean up indoor ag and commercial agricultural practices that are energy, resource, and chemically intensive.
- Produce clean, healthy, nutrient-dense food and plant-based medicines that express their full potential of secondary metabolites.
- Promote healthy heirloom and legacy genetics base and make the plants available to consume.
Following Biomimicry science grows thriving plants that are abundant in healthy metabolites, making them both nutrient-dense and compound-rich.
Small Farmers First. We always say that when you can grow outdoors, please do. We also highlight the importance of buying your food and medicine from a small farmer. The highest and best use of our aRadiant Sun™ tool is for multiplying the output of an outdoor regenerative farm. This happens by building indoor nurseries, R&D facilities, and winter crop gardens.
We are currently supporting a collaboration of outdoor farmers, plant nurseries, and regenerative indoor cultivators. Together, we promote healthy genetics, and the application of extremely efficient and highly regenerative growing systems, Biomimicry science and cultivation methods. Local consumers benefit from small farm food because it’s picked ripe and eaten fresh. One of AZENTIVE’s goals is that people can stop chasing vitamins because they are able to eat their food before the nutrient-density decays.
Emerging Markets. We love to explore the many applications of indoor sunlighting, including healthy lighting. We would be thrilled to hear from you about your specific interests.

Mother Nature is our most important advisor.
Our Team
The AZENTIVE team is a dynamic collaboration of master practitioners and experts in behavioral, social and building sciences, public health and wellness initiatives, technology and design, and much more.