Sunlighting Solutions
It's simple. It's the Sun. Indoors.
AZENTIVE’s flagship technology, The Sun On-Demand™ (aRadiant Sun™), delivers all of the wavelengths and combinations of frequencies of full electromagnetic sunlight from UV-B to far Infrared (285 nm to 1650 nm and beyond). Spectrums can also be adjusted for different market applications and uses.

Horticulture. The Sun On-Demand™ (aRadiant Sun™) is the only indoor sunlighting available for biodynamic, regenerative growth of any fruits, vegetables, and indigenous herbs, anywhere for less time and energy, as well as fewer resources and inputs than any other light (except the Sun itself).
Healthy Sunlighting and Emerging Markets. The Sun On-Demand™ (aRadiant Sun™) has numerous applications far beyond AZENTIVE’s current focus on growing food, plant-based medicines, and exotic plants. One exciting application is healthy sunlighting. Sunlight builds healthy immune systems, modulates circadian rhythms, and enables full-nutrient expression for plants and people. It also quickly inactivates viruses (including the Coronavirus), eliminates pathogens, and builds healthy plants and people. People just feel better under the Sun.
Bring the Sun Indoors

The Sun On-Demand™ sunlighting system is twice as efficient as LEDs for indoor horticulture, and more efficient than LEDs for all other uses. It delivers all of the wavelengths of a true sunlight spectrum from 285 nm (UV-B) to 1650 nm and beyond (far Infrared). These frequencies are in harmony with the plant’s and the human’s circadian rhythms, as well as the expression of secondary metabolites.
The Sun On- Demand’s™ low-energy, high-productivity, low-maintenance sunlighting solutions as applied to indoor growing that:
- Cover between 100 and 250 square feet indoors, depending on the crop
- Use half the electricity and heat of LEDs
- Restore and reset drifting genetics from artificial growing methods
- Produce healthier plants from mothers to seedlings, clones, vegetative, and flowering plants
- Enable full, true genetic expression when paired with living soil
- Profitably cultivate landraces and heirloom genetics
- Produce a strong immune systems that minimize crop loss
- Provide a smooth transition from indoor nursery to the outdoor field
About the Technology

Our aRadiant Sun™ is based on early plasma lighting technology iterations developed for solar cell R&D and quality assurance on solar cell arrays. It was later installed into solar simulators to age materials and for experiments to understand effects on plants in changing climates.
Our aRadian Sun™ is not a point source. It simulates the Sun, which is a punctual source. It does not lose frequencies or throw power like point source lighting technologies that are limited by the inverse square law of diminishing light.
The full electromagnetic sunlighting emitted is powerful, creating more photons, frequencies, and uniformity than any other indoor or outdoor light source (except the Sun itself). Don’t be confused by artificial light sources that use marketing jargon, like “full spectrum”. LEDs only provide about one-quarter of the Sun’s energies. LEDs are not technologically capable of producing the energies of the Sun. We were inspired to develop sunlighting technologies because our own Sundarajan has long worked on diodes, LEDs, and materials and plasma physics sciences.
AZENTIVE's Sunlighting Journey
AZENTIVE first introduced our aRadiant Sun™ for the cultivation of plant-based medicines and foods in late 2016. Unlike our competitors, we looked to Nature for the most efficient engineering solutions. Then, we studied the regenerative horticultural leaders and put it together that plants need living soil and the energy of Sunlight to fully express their nutrients. We recognized that what the commercial and vertical farming industries were trying to “dial in” have already been figured out. We only have to apply Biomimicry science and let the plants “do their thing”.
We quickly recognized the opportunity to leap past the current industry standards of both outdoor and indoor food growth with a little tool that Jeff Lowenfels called “pocket sun”. Although it seems obvious, the vertical farming and indoor agricultural industries fail to take into consideration that without the energies of the Sun, indoor agriculture:
- Grows a limited number of crops (i.e., mostly leafy greens),
- Requires costly and toxic bottle feeding of chemicals that harm people and planet (because the soil food web cannot self-regenerate), and
- Risks crop loss from pathogens and pests because plants develop weak immune systems, don’t express important secondary metabolites (including their defenses), and can’t effectively modulate their circadian rhythms.
Why the Sun?
We are currently focused on the horticulture applications of our aRadiant Sun™.
Our goals are to:
- Bring more full expression food and plant-based medicines grown in living soil and sunlighting to all who need it; and
- Preserve genetics and gene pools, preserve farmers rights to genetics.
We believe that Mother Nature and twelve thousand years of evolution through all types of climates can’t be beat. We believe in the power of Nature’s food and medicine to restore, balance, and heal.