Healthy Sunlighting
The Power of Sunlight
AZENTIVE’s indoor sunlighting tech is simple and non-toxic. It can be used to improve healthcare worker and patient health, and rapidly sterilize large spaces. The benefits of sunlighting in a healthcare setting include:
- Inactivating viruses via cracking the capsid barrier and RNA damage (Nelson, K. L. et al., 2018).
- Reducing airborne and surface SARS-CoV-2 transmission (UV-B/UV-A/Violet) (Ravanat JL, et al., 2001).
- Enabling Vitamin D production in the body (Mead, M. N., 2008).
- Modulating immune responses (Scheiermann, C. et al., 2013).
- Stabilizing circadian rhythms (Duffy, J. F. et al., 2009).
- Boosting moods (Duffy, J. F. et al., 2009).
People feel better with sunlight.
Healing with Sunlighting
It’s alarming to learn that the Sun inactivates the Coronavirus (and other viruses) in less than 90 seconds. Yet, government officials, the scientific community, and the healthcare industry are leaving an easy, preventative, non-toxic solution on the table in favor of treatment after the fact. The evidence is clear.
“The (COVID-19) virus dies quickest in the presence of direct Sunlight”
Excerpts from Homeland Security Whitehouse Briefing by William Bryan, Department of Homeland Security Undersecretary for Science and Technology Directorate, Researching the biology of the Coronavirus, April 23, 2020:
- Our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus on both surfaces and in the air.”
- “When you [input] the Sunlight, UV rays…the half-life goes from six hours to two minutes. That’s how much of an impact the UV rays have on the virus.”
- “Extra care may be warranted for dry environments that do not have exposure to solar light.”
- “If you look at the Coronavirus as a chain with many links, what we have done through our study is [that] we’ve identified some of the weak links in that chain that the transmission of the virus depends upon. We’ve identified that heat and humidity is a weakness in that chain. We’ve identified that sunlight, solar energy, and UV rays is a weakness in that chain.”
Excerpts from NBC News Exclusive, Inside DHS Lab Working to Crack Coronavirus Code, May 2020:
- “Another Critical discovery received less attention. The pathogen does not survive well in direct sunlight.” Tom Costello, NBC News [1:55]
- “Sunlight seems to be very detrimental to the virus…within minutes, the majority of the virus is inactivated on surfaces and in air in direct sunlight.” Paul Davish, Senior Research Scientist, Department of Homeland Security National Biodefense Center.
Our Technology
The Sun On-Demand™ brings sunlighting indoors to efficiently and effectively saturate large indoor spaces. It acts like, and simulates, the Sun.
In addition to the full sunlighting electromagnetic spectrum frequencies and permutations of frequencies between 285 nm (Uv-B) and 1650 nm (far infrared), highly sterilizing spectrums of UV-C itself, germicidal UV-C, and far UV-C or almost any combination of wavelengths can be customized to meet healthy sunlighting applications.

The French Agency for Food, Environmental & Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) warns that “exposure to an intense and powerful [LED] narrow-band light is ‘photo-toxic’ and can lead to irreversible loss of retinal cells and diminished sharpness of vision.”
Why Now?
Limiting the transmission of COVID-19 via airborne and surface vectors is critical, both for healthcare workers still dealing with waves of the pandemic and for reducing spread amongst the infected.
“To win, we need to attack the [SARS CoV-2] virus with aggressive and targeted tactics.”
Sadly, targeted and aggressive prevention methods have been underutilized as a way to attack the Coronavirus in the air and on surfaces.
Sunlighting could be implemented to protect people in dry environments without sunlight exposure, such as schools, hospitals, nursing homes, retirement homes, and other populated indoor environments.

Effective Sterilization

Large Coverage Areas
Note that the power of The Sun On-Demand™ technology is far more greater than standard lighting: one light is capable of saturating entire rooms.

Fast Results

Improved Wellbeing
When it becomes a part of every man's thinking that a single thought can change the polarity of our entire body toward either life or death - and can likewise change its entire chemistry toward increasing alkalinity or acidity to strengthen it or weaken it - or can change the shape of every corpuscle of matter in the entire body in the direction of either growth or decay - then the medical profession will radically change both its principles and its practices with the ailment of bodies.

Indoor Sunlighting for indoor spaces
True sunlight frequencies from UV-B to Far Infrared speed up viral inactivation cycles from hours to minutes. At the same time, people feel better in sunlighting.
Rapid sterilization of large space and PPE
The Sun On-Demand™’s powerful sunlighting technology is capable of producing UV-C, germicidal UV-C, far-UV-C, or all of the above across large surface areas and volumes.

The Science of Sunlight
Sunlight is nature’s disinfectant. Full electromagnetic sunlight spectrum/frequencies disinfect through the following mechanisms
- Direct sunlight exposure can quickly diminish the infectivity of viruses on surfaces and in the air (Lytle, C. D., et al., 2005), important for a virus existing on surfaces for upwards to three weeks.
- UV-A and UV-B frequencies contribute to microbial sterilization (Ravanat JL et al., 2001), providing direct and indirect endogenous inactivation and indirect exogenous sterilization processes (see right box of graphic below).
- Sunlight frequencies that include UV can crack the capsid envelope of the virus, as well as damage RNA (Mayer, B. K., et al., 2005). In fact, endogenous sunlight inactivation has been observed for all viruses investigated to date (see left two boxes of graphic below). (Nelson, K. L. et al., 2018).

At the same time, exposure to sunlight, especially in the mornings, provides many health benefits (Mead, M. N., 2008), including regulating the body’s circadian rhythm for improved sleep and healing (Duffy, J. F. et al., 2009), enabling Vitamin D production (Mead, M. N., 2008), and improving moods by boosting serotonin levels (Duffy, J. F. et al., 2009).