"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."
A letter from the founders
Maybe you’re wondering what gets us up in the morning to traverse this difficult journey of diffusing disruptive emerging technologies and community-centric programs against the artificial, petro-plastic, corporate interests.
Healing our chronic illnesses
We are continuously healing our own chronic illnesses. We started by no longer consuming the foods that were slowly poisoning us. This is hard to do and takes dedication. There aren’t many places where we can gain access to a clean diet. Yet, we are fortunate that we live around organic farms and not in an intercity food desert. We understand why few follow our dietary path.
To make it easier, our goal is to get our food supply back to the ancient ways. This will help us as well as others suffering the consequences of industrial, chemically-driven, and artificial agriculture.
It gets worse before it gets better.

The Problem
You can probably already see the somewhat bleak big picture of what you eat. Industrial and corporate ways are creating more and more momentum, also called a viscious feedback cycle, where many factors feed on each other.
Specifically, the industrial growing methods are resulting in nutrient-deficient, processed, and artificial food supplies that lead to:
- Chronic illnesses chased by lifetime subscriptions to pharmaceutical chemicals,
- Environmental degradation, pollution, and extinction,
- Social and racial inequity, and
- An overall human forgetting that we are all energetically connected to all life on Earth.
As we got in touch with our interconnectedness, we saw that the solutions are right in front of our eyes and all around us, in Nature.
Grow Local and Grow Regeneratively
It’s (relatively) easy and profitable to create healthy food supplies and reduce chronic illness and other impacts. At AZENTIVE, our most important strategic partner is Mother Nature. We follow and emulate her proven and regenerative methodologies, also called Biomimicry science. The best way to grow our food and medicines is by respecting the plant and making decisions from the plant’s point of view. This starts with the healthiest genetics, and surrounding them with living soil, Sunlight, and other solutions derived from Nature.
Are we Promoting Indoor Growing?
You may be asking: Are you talking about clean food and clean medicine grown in a controlled environment? Sometimes, yes. We still prefer growing food and medicines outdoors as much as possible. Growing outdoors with the right crops for the region is the most efficient regenerative process possible. But as a global society with people lacking food, others disempowered, and corporate forces at work, we are not there yet.
We need to support a sustainable transition that prepares us for a future truly in tune with Nature. For this reason, we have focused on horticulture applications that support outdoor farms, as well as growing indoors during harsh climates and in the inner city. The benefits to plants, people, planet, and profits are amazing!

Take advantage of sunlighting technology
To support regenerative growing for outdoor farmers and indoor cultivators, we have focused most of our time in the last six years on one key sunlighting technology.
It’s simple. It’s Sunlighting. Indoors.
"To know the mechanics of the wave, is to know the entire secret of Nature."
Because we have copied the Sun, this technology is the most efficient and cost-effective grow light on the market. It is also the only one that brings almost all of the energies of the Sun itself. It is an absolute differentiator because it allows the living soil to truly regenerate and the plant to uptake the energies and nutrients from The Sun On-Demand™ (aRadiant Sun™) and the soil food web, like it would do in Nature. This results in full genetic expression of the plant’s secondary metabolites that make up the flavors and nutrients of food. In case you didn’t already know, LEDs, High Pressure Sodium, and no other lighting source can do this as they are all missing key aspects of Sunlight energy.
Scaling up and replicating
We have now embarked on scaling up our ZEN initiatives in several communities. AZENTIVE is at a tipping point of market diffusion.
All of our collaborations are implemented to create 360 win-win solutions for people, plants, planets, and profits, driving food security and biodiversity for:
- Growers, Cultivators, and Farmers
- Patients and Consumers
- Society at large
- Investors

Thank you for joining us in collaborating to get back in touch with the best engineer we know, Mother Nature, and exercising her craft with love for all living beings. It’s for the sake of Healthy People, Healthy Plants, Healthy Planet, Healthy Profits.
Regeneratively yours,
Dr. Kat A. Donnelly and Sundarajan (aka SUN) Mutialu